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Teach core curriculum topics to your class through ocean exploration. Our lesson plans are activity focused and have been designed for students aged 14-16

Getting started

Our downloadable teaching resources have been created for ages 14-16 and are linked directly to science and geography curricula across the UK. Our lessons are designed to inspire, and to help students discover the importance of the ocean for all life on Earth.

All lessons are activity focused, and the lesson packs for teachers and their associated resources can be displayed on interactive whiteboards or printed out.

The downloadable packs contain everything you need to teach the lesson, including:

  • Lesson overview with curriculum and subject links, UN Sustainable Development Goals and ocean literacy principles, learning objectives and resources required
  • Lesson plan with background summary, a series of themed activities, extension ideas, reflection questions and suggested follow-up lessons
  • PowerPoint with images to illustrate the subject and activity themes for students. Contains full teachers' notes
  • A fact file providing background information for educators
  • Worksheets for students
  • Full curriculum links for KS3/4 (England), Progression Steps 4/5 (Wales) and Third/Fourth level Senior phase (Scotland).
Seagrass near Weymouth Georgie Bull

Credit: Georgie Bull

1. Biodiversity

The UK is home to an incredible array of marine wildlife.

In this lesson, students will learn about some of the key habitats and species living in our coastal seas and how they are all interlinked.

Shallow waters in summertime in the Hebrides on the West coast of Scotland Joost Van Uffelen

Credit: Joost Van Uffelen via Shutterstock

2. Ecosystem services

The ocean is vital to our survival.

From the air we breathe to the food we eat, use this lesson to explore the many crucial services our marine ecosystems provide us.

Snakelocks Anemone on Seagrass Georgie Bull

Credit: Georgie Bull

3. Threats to the ocean

The ocean's ability to sustain diverse seas and vital ecosystem services is under threat. We are taking too much out of the sea, and putting too much in.

This lesson gives students an overview of the key threats to our ocean, and highlights ways that we can reduce these threats and recover the health of our ocean.

Empty and broken scallop shells possibly due to the raking action of dredges Lyme Bay Scotland Colin Munro.

Credit: Colin Munro/Marine-bio-images

4. Sustainable fishing

Our ocean provides livelihoods and food for millions of people.

To ensure this can continue into the future, we need to make sure our fishing practices are sustainable and non-destructive.

Trawler Net on commercial fishing boat Anney Lier

Credit: Anney Lier via Shutterstock

5. Climate change and the ocean

Our ocean plays a key role in reducing the rate of climate change, but its ability to do this is under threat. Climate change is also altering the natural conditions of our ocean.

Discover how, with the right protection, the ocean could play a huge role in helping to reduce the effects of climate change.

Thong weed seaweed isle of Coll Scotland Mark Kirkland

Credit: Mark Kirkland

6. Marine pollution

Marine pollution is diverse, from microfibres shed from clothes and chemicals washed down the sink, to litter reaching our waterways and eventually the ocean.

This lesson provides an overview of marine pollution in the UK, including the different types of pollution, what happens to pollution once it reaches the ocean and how it's harming marine wildlife.

Octopus making a plastic water bottle his home in the Costa Brava Spain Roger Millan

Credit: Roger Millan via Shutterstock

7. #StopOceanPoison

Harmful chemicals are polluting the planet, wildlife and impacting our ocean. PFAS, or ‘forever chemicals,’ are just one group of ocean poisons, but what are they and what can we do to stop them?

This lesson is connected to our #StopOceanPoison campaign - head to our campaign page to find out more and sign our petition.

Edited shore - Shutterstock

Credit: Shutterstock