Our CEO's view on Defra's Nature Recovery Green Paper
Last week, Defra – the Government department responsible for the environment, food and rural affairs – released its long awaited Nature Recovery Green Paper.
The paper proposed a complete overhaul of many of the current systems in place for managing our natural spaces, including the ocean.
Our CEO gives her view on what this new proposal from Defra means for the state of our seas.
Sandy Luk, Chief Executive of the Marine Conservation Society said: “We’re living in a time of twin climate and biodiversity crises which are two sides of the same coin, with ocean warming and acidification paired with habitat destruction and species decline. Our natural world is already at tipping point and, while the government’s focus on our natural world is to be welcomed, it is extremely disappointing that some of the actions set out in the Government’s Green Paper would put nature in an even more precarious and worrying position.
“We should ensure that we properly apply, implement and, where necessary, improve existing nature conservation frameworks and not waste precious time dismantling current frameworks while our planet suffers. With 8 years on the clock, is an overhaul of the environmental protection system the best use of time or yet another diversionary tactic meant to stave off real change?
“Currently, just 6% of England’s Marine Protected Areas are truly protected from damaging activity. We need action to protect, restore and invest in our ocean. Now. Without a healthy ocean, we cannot achieve a healthy planet.”

Credit: Marek Okon/Unsplash

Our petition for better protections for our seas
Show your support for a ban on damaging fishing in England's vital offshore Marine Protected Areas to help protect the seabed and combat the climate crisis.