Discovering Devon: Part II
Sea Champion Jenny, and her daughter Islay, have been undertaking MCS volunteering activities for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Here Islay shares the second instalment of her volunteering journey.
Currently, I am half way through my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award – I have 2 months left to continue with my Volunteering section. I’m loving it so far! I am in reach with achieving my goals for this section: to help protect my local marine environment.
Previously, I have been doing loads of beach cleans, and also joining in with the Big Seaweed Search. Before lockdown (number 2) I did a beach clean, at South Milton Sands, with two of my friends – they are also doing litter picking for their DofE, so I decided we could do some together.

Originally, I thought we could organise one for public to join in too, but unfortunately due to more restrictions, we couldn’t do it. It was fun though doing it with just us three. However, we only got to do one together before we went into another lockdown. Hopefully soon, we can do some more after lockdown, before I finish my DofE altogether.
During this current lockdown, I have still been continuing with my DofE. Almost every week I have been litter picking, but around my village. This can also help with marine life, because litter on land, can travel, and become litter in the sea.
I’m glad that I am helping in every way I can, including making litter fact sheets on the computer (and blogs)!

I plan on joining in with the Big Seaweed Search again soon. I have finished the skills section for my DofE, which was marine biology (rockpooling, and making fact sheets on the creatures I find), which I have found has tied in very nicely with my Volunteering section. I also plan on doing some more beach cleans, but if we can’t get to the beach, I will do more around the village. In addition to this, I have started making a fact sheet on litter in our oceans – I plan on finishing this at home.
So overall, I have plenty of things to do whilst I’m at home, and I can’t wait to get started!
Or rather, I can’t wait to carry on!